The League of Outlaws is owned and ran by AJ Hunsinger, current IRL IMCA Modified driver. AJ established the league back in 2009-2010 and back then, the league was based off the Playstation 3 console game NASCAR 09. The league was very successful back then for several years until the interest faded away. Now, the league is ran on the racing simulator iRacing.

The league is made up of mostly dirt racing series’ and is driven by a couple of very passionate people that share AJ’s love for the IMCA Modified class in real life. iRacing does not offer an IMCA Modified, but they do have a UMP Modified that is the same chassis with minor differences. One of the biggest differences being the tires as UMP uses a very soft compound tire that has a ton of grip and traction. The IMCA’s use a Hoosier G60 which is a much harder compound.

The harder compound tire is what really makes the IMCA Modified stand apart from most other sanscions that run this modified chassis. The tire makes it really hard to drive the car as there is so little traction. AJ set out to build setups to make the UMP Modified on iRacing feel like an IMCA Modified and he did so with great success.
The League of Outlaws that you know today is founded on this IMCA Style Modified. It is the bread and butter of the league and offers something that no other iRacing league out there can offer and the setups are the key. The league forces a fixed setup that all participants in the race are forced to use.

But it didn’t stop with just the IMCA Modifieds. AJ began plotting ways to build a setup for a car to best replicate the IMCA Style Stock Cars. After initially starting to try to build something with the NASCAR Legends cars (i.e. 87 Monte Carlos), he eventually settled on using the Dirt Street Stock chassis on iRacing and made a setup with similarities to the IMCA Modified setup, taking away traction. In iRacing, the Dirt Street Stock uses a soft tire similar to a Dirt Late Model. IRL, the IMCA Stock Car shares the Hoosier G60 tire with the IMCA Modifieds.

The Dirt Street Stock on iRacing isn’t aesthetically pleasing to be considered an IMCA Stock Car as the Dirt Street Stocks in iRacing is all a Camaro body and chassis. With the IRL IMCA Stock Car rulebook, Camaros are actually not legal, as IMCA does not allow unibody cars and requires full frame cars. So while the LoO IMCA Stock Cars do not look like IMCA Stock Cars, they do drive like them thanks for the setup produced by AJ.

One of the main contributions to AJ choosing the Dirt Street Stock to use as the LoO IMCA Style Stock Cars was an announcement made a while ago that shows promise that iRacing is working on developing a Monte Carlo chassis to be used as a Dirt Street Stock. So there is hope that eventually, the LoO IMCA Style Stock Cars will be more aesthetically pleasing.