After 4 Events
Harry Ely Results
Event | Finish Pos | Qual Pos | Moved | Qualifying Speed | Laps Comp | Laps Led | Points | Penalty Points | Earnings | Status
The Hill Speedway
| 6
| 0
| -6
| 25
| 0
| 35
| 0
| 200
| The Hill Speedway
| 5
| 0
| -5
| 25
| 0
| 36
| 0
| 225
| Woodhull Raceway
| 10
| 3
| -7
| 25
| 0
| 31
| 0
| 125
| |
Driver Details:
Average Qual: 1
Average Finish: 7
Created with Race Points Manager (RPM)
Copyright 2002, ACS Software | Current as of: 23 October 2023 |